Niagara Historical Society: No. 23: Col. Daniel MacDougal and Valuable Documents
Col. Daniel MacDougal
And Valuable Documents.
In gathering together fragments of the history of the town it has been a disappointment that so little could be obtained of individual history, the story of the men who helped in the advancement of the town. In examining letters relating to laying the foundation stone of the cenotaph which marks the spot where General Brock fell, placed by King Edward VII, then Prince of Wales, in 1860, it was found that many of those letters were addressed to Col. MacDougal who was one of the Committee and the one who lived nearest the spot, his opinion being much deferred to, it was thought that we should gather while we may all that could be obtained of the history of one who had fought in many battles of the war of 1812, whose commission can be seen signed by General Brock as also the permission for him to raise a company in Glengarry signed by E. MacDonell, Prescott; who held many positions of trust, who was a property owner in the town since 1819, who lived a life of honorable integrity and who died here in a good old age respected by all who knew him. Many in town remember the stately form of the old veteran who to the day of his death carried a bullet in his body from the field of Lundy's Lane.
Various letters from Sir Allan MacNab, W. Thomas the Architect, Capt. Stanton, Judge McLean, Bishop MacDonell, have been loaned by Mrs. Newton daughter of Col. MacDougal. In reading these letters, one of very great interest was found written by Archibald McLean who had taken part in the battles of Queenston Heights being one of the York Volunteers. His opinion had been asked by Sir Allan MacNab as to the exact spot where Sir Isaac Brock fell but he confessed that he could give no information as to the exact spot but instead gives us an account of what he had seen of the day's fighting which to us is exceedingly interesting, written fifty years after the contest and now brought to light after another fifty years.
Daniel MacDougal, (the name was really Donuil) belonged to a family noted in the history of Scotland, descended from the MacDougals of Lorne, mentioned in a foot note in Scott's Lord of the Isles, the grandfather having been killed at Culloden in 1746. Daniel was born in 1782 near Inverness and came with his parents to Glengarry at the age of four years. We know the country was settled almost entirely by Highlanders, the centenary of their coming was held in 1884 as recorded in the Montreal Witness at great length with many curious and interesting particulars. his wife was also of Scottish birth Helen MacNab whose mother was a MacDonell. Miles and Angus MacDonell were Captains in the King's Royal New York Regiment many of which regiment settled in Glengarry the brothers each received 2000 acres of land near Ottawa, Mrs. MacNab's will left valuable property in Ottawa to her daughter Mrs. MacDougal. The regiment to which Col. MacDougal belonged was the Glengarry Light Infantry in which he was first an ensign and afterwards a Lieutenant, but his rank as Colonel was in the First Lincoln Militia Regiment. He took part in the attack and capture of Ogdensburg in 1813 the force marching across the river on the ice after Prescott had been attacked by the U. S. Troops and many of the inhabitants carried away as prisoners. A letter of Col. MacDonell refers to this. He was not present at the battle of Queenston Heights but was at Fort George when the town was taken and was with our troops at the Twelve Mile Creek and came with the advanced guard when the town was in conflagration. The late Mrs. Rogers said to Mr. Newton, "The first time I saw your grandfather our house was burning." This was the mother of Mr. John Rogers who carried on the extensive wholesale business in the large brick building erected in 1833, supplying goods to all the country around even Toronto at times. The families have been neighbors fifty years. At the battle of Lundy's Lane 25th July, 1814, Col. MacDougal received seven wounds and lay all night on the field of battle and in the military despatch was reported "Lt. MacDougal mortally wounded." His two brothers Angus and Kenneth were in the battle, Angus was wounded and taken prisoner. Many medical certificates show that for many years Col. MacDougal was under the care of different physicians the wounds in his throat and lungs causing much suffering. A letter from Bishop MacDonell shows the interest taken in him and in the visits in after years of that dignitary of the Roman Catholic Church who did so much for his people he was always entertained at the home of Col. MacDougal.
His health being restored he took part at the time of the Rebellion, raising a separate company of veterans for the relief of Toronto and the flag used is still in possession of the family. At a much later day when an aged man he reviewed a French Company here in 1865 when troops were called out to protect the frontier at the time of the St. Alban's Raid.
As showing the esteem in which Col. MacDougal was held he was appointed one of the Commissioners in 1840, and for many years held the honorable and responsible position of Treasurer for the united counties of Lincoln, Welland and Haldimand. The letters and documents herewith printed show the esteem in which he was held and the confidence reposed in him, that of Bishop MacDonell as a friend, those of Sir Allan MacNab and Sir John Colborne, of the position he held in the community. The medical certificates are interesting as giving the names of the army doctors at that time and the complicated steps necessary to obtain pensions, the commissions as giving the names of officials and the super-abundant wording and tiresome tautology and repetition of such documents. The steps taken to ascertain the exact spot where Brock fell confirm to us the statements often repeated that a mistake was made and the carelessness and indifference shown in the phrase in one of the letters "we will all swear to it" makes us still more doubtful as to the selection made. The letter of Judge McLean never before printed is particularly interesting and valuable being the account of an eyewitness and participant a man of education and fitted to give an intelligent and unbiassed account of what took place on that memorable day. Although written nearly fifty years after the event described it may be relied on as the statement of a legal mind trained in giving and receiving evidence and weighing well every circumstance and we feel confident the clear active mind of the young York volunteer would retain a vivid recollection of his own part for he is very careful to give only what he had actually witnessed or heard.
Letter authorizing Daniel MacDougal to enlist men for service in the war of 1812–14
Sir:—You are hereby authorized and empowered to engage and enlist men for a Regt. of incorporated militia to server during the present war with the United States of America and to have the same pay and allowance with His Majesty's Forces, but subject to the Militia Laws.
E. MacDonell
To Danl. Macdougal, Gent.
Glengarry, 30th Aug., 1814
I received your letter from York some time after the arrival of your Corps at that place on their way up. I spoke to the Adjt.-Gen. Col. Harvey and to the late Col. Drummond in your behalf when I was last at Kingston and I could with little solicitation have obtained a commission for you in another corps, but as the campaign was then only beginning and likely to be a serious one I was advised to defer all further application till the close of it, as it might eventually prove of equal advantage to you to serve in your present corps in the mean time as in any other and the event has so far justified the observation.
I would now wish to know from yourself whether there are hopes of a complete and perfect cure, for your wounds so as to render you fit for a close service for the time to come and if not what else you think would suit you best. It would be proper for you to have a certification from your commanding officer both of your conduct and the nature of your wounds &c.
Your parents and the rest of your family are very well, to their prayers and to that of your friends I believe you are as much indebted for your recovery as to the skill of your Physician and the power of medicine. I remain very sincerely, Dear Sir, yours
Alexr. Macdonell
Col. D. MacDougal's Certificates as to his wounds, at battle of Lundy's Lane.
Adjt. General's Office
Quebec, 25th Sept., 1815
No. 2. The Lieutenant General Commanding the Forces directs the following letter to be published in orders for general information.
War Office, 31st July, 1815
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of 6th Jan., last requesting to be furnished with instructions respecting the claims for compensation made to you by Officers wounded in action and to acquaint you that such application should be made to me accompanied by a report by a medical Board of officers and certificates from commanding officers of Regiments showing the nature and effects of wounds and occasion on which received. I have the honor to be
Your most obt. servant
&c. &c.
R P——
Major of Brigade U. C.
I, Grant Powell, Surgeon, do hereby certify that I have carefully examined Daniel McDougal of Niagara late Lieutenant in the Incorporated Regiment of Militia and that in consequence of being wounded the said Daniel McDougal is incapable of earning a livelihood.
Given under my hand at York, this 5th day of August, 1816
Grant Powell, Surgeon.
Report of the Medical Board on the wounds of Lt. McDougal of the late Incorporated Militia, Fort George, 7th Mar. 1816.
Proceedings of a Medical Board held by order of Lieut. Col. McDonell, Inspecting Field Officer of Militia Commanding Niagara Frontier to examine and report upon such cases as might be brought before him.
Surgeon Moore, Canadian Regt., President
Assistant Surgeon Robertson, Canadian Regt.
Hospital Assistant Member, White
The board having duly assembled in observance of the above order to examine Lieut. Daniel McDougal of the Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada who was severely wounded in action with the enemy at Lundy's Lane near the Falls of Niagara on the 25th July, 1814.
The board proceeded to examine minutely the wounds received by Lt. Daniel McDougal and find they are severe both in the body and extremities and hereby his health has been so injured that it is their opinion he is rendered incapable of future active exert and think it equally prejudicial to his habit of body with the loss of a limb.
Regimental Hospital Fort George Canadian Regt. 7th March, 1816 | Thos. Moore Surgeon Canadian Regt. President I. Robertson, Asst. Sugt. Can. Regt. M. White Hospital asst. |
I hereby certify that I have examined Lt. McDougal and find that he has been severely wounded as above mentioned.
I. Wright
I. H.
I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the certificate of J. Wright, Esq, Inspector of Army Hospitals in Canada annexed to the Proceedings and Reports of a Medical Board of which his is a Duplicate deposited in the Lieut. Governor's Office.
Lt. Governor's Office York, 26th Nov., 1816 | Edward. MacMahon Ast. Secty.
Statement of Sir. Peregrine Maitland
Lt. Governor of U. Canada
I do hereby certify that James Kerby, Esq., was Major and Grant Powell, Surgeon, of the late Battalion of Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada and that due faith and credit may be given to their certificates.
Given under my hand and seal at home this thirteenth day of July, 1820.
By His Excellency's Command, Sec.
P. Maitland.
Grant Powell's in 1820
I do hereby certify that Daniel MacDougal, Lieutenant in the late Battalion of Incorporated Militia of Upper Canada, was severely wounded in action with the United States Army at Lundy's Lane on the 25th day of July, 1814.
York, July 18th, 1820. | Grant Powell
Surgeon late Incorporated Militia. |
Kingston, Aug 20, 1821
I certify that Mr. D. McDougal, late Lieut. in the Incorporated Militia has been several times during the last four years under my care while laboring under a serious pulmonic affection the consequence of a musket shot which he received in the Thorax, at the action of Lundy's Lane on the 25th of July, 1814. He first appealed to me in Sept. 1817, at which time he had a distressing cough with Hemoptysis and great constitutional disturbance.
J. Sampson
Asst. Surgeon, late 104th Regt.
Fort George, 24th Aug., 1821
I certify that Lieut. McDougal of the late Provincial Militia has been under my care for several months in consequence of general indisposition resulting from several wounds received in the action at Lundy's Lane. The particular effects of those wounds which penetrated the cavity of the Thorax appear to me to become daily more alarming—the most trifling exert brings on Hemoptysis or Epistaxis and I have found it necessary to empty large and frequent bleedings together with Digitalis Submurias Hydrargyri and Sulphuric Acid in order to equalize his circulation and arrest the progress of a disease which has so often threatened a fatal termination.
James Reid
Surgeon 68th Regt.
Permission to assemble a Medical Board
Office of Government
York, 8th Sept., 1821
Having laid before the Lt. Governor your petition praying an order for an extra meeting of the Medical Board to examine and report upon the state of the wounds received by you while on service during the late war, I am directed in the absence of Mr. Secretary Hillier to signify to you that under the circumstances stated by you His Excellency had no objection to such meeting of the Board, provided you can prevail with the gentlemen composing it to assemble.
Lt. Daniel McDougal | Edw MacMahon |
Certificate of Edw. MacMahon
I certify that Lt. McDougal of the late Incorporated Militia has been heretofore in the receipt of a pension agreeably to his rank under authority of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent and the report of a Military Medical Board appointed by Doctor Wright, Principal Medical Officer in Canada.
York, 6th Sept, 1821 | Edw MacMahon |
Government Office
The reply of Sir John Colborne to the address of the people of Niagara which had been sent by Col. McDougal as shown by the following.
Montreal, 8th March, 1836
I have had the honor to receive the address from the Inhabitants of the Town and Township of Niagara which you have been deputed to forward to me.
The expression of the favorable opinion of the Inhabitants of the Town and Township of Niagara of my proceedings during the Administration of my Govt. of the Upper Province cannot but be highly gratifying to me, and I beg that you will have the goodness to convey to them my best thanks for their address, with the assurance that I shall ever take a lively interest in their welfare and prosperty, and with many thanks for their kind wishes for myself and family, I remain very faithfully yours
D. McDougal, Esq., | J. Colborne |
The document appointing Col. McDougal to take recognizances of Bail, Affidavits, etc., is remarkable as being signed by four judges, the Honorable John Beverly Robinson, Hon. J. Buchanan Macauley, Hon. Archibald McLean, Hon. Ch. A Hagerman signed as below, "In witness thereof we have set our hands and the Seal of the Court of Queen's Branch in and for the Province of Canada that Toronto this fourteenth day of August one thousand eight hundred and forty one and on the fifth year of Her Majesty's reign.
J. B. Macaulay J.
A. McLean J.
Ch. A. Hagerman
The commission of Robert Dickson, James Muirhead and Daniel McDougal as Commissioners of Customs for the District of Niagara is signed by J. Colborne in 1830 while that appointing Daniel McDougal, Robert Melville of Niagara, and David Thorburn of Queenston is signed by Sir. Geo. Arthur in 1840 and the commission appointing Col. McDougall Treasurer of the District of Niagara in 1842 is signed by Sir Charles Bagot. As an example of the profuse and overflowing verbiage of such documents we may copy part of the two last.
"Now know ye therefore that Daniel McDougal of the Town of Niagara, in the District of Niagara, of our Province of Canada, Esquire, having given such good and sufficient security as is required by the said Act. We having full confidence in the Loyalty, Integrity and ability of him, the said Daniel McDougal, have constituted and appointed and do by these Presents and by virtue of the power vested in us by the said Act constitute and appoint him the said Daniel McDougall to be our District Treasurer of and for the District of Niagara of that part of our said province formerly Upper Canada to have, hold, exercise and enjoy the rights, powers and authorities by the said Act vested in the office of District Treasurer of the said District together with all the privileges, advantages and emoluments thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining unto him the said Daniel McDougall
In testimony whereof we have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Our Province of Canada hereunto affixed. Witness our Right, Trusty and Well Beloved Sir Charles Bagot, G. C. B., one of Our most Honorable Privy Council; Governor General of British North America and Captain General and Governor in Chief in and over Our Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, aad the Island of Prince Edward and Vice-Admiral of the same &c., &c., &c., at Kingston this twenty second day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-two and in the fifth year of our reign."
The Commission to the Commissioners of Customs sounds strangely to our ears now "Whereas by an Act of the Parliament of Our Province of Upper Canada passed in the fourth year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth entitled an Act to repeal an Act past in the forty-first year of His late Majesty's reign called "An Act for granting to His Majesty, His Heirs and successors to and for the uses of this Province the like duties on goods and merchandize brought into this country from the United States of America as are now paid on goods imported from Great Britain and other places * * * and to provide more effectually for the collection and payment of duties on goods * and also to establish at fund for the erection and repairing of "Lighthouses" * * that it shall and may be lawful for the Governor, Lieutenant Governor or person administering the Government of Our said Province from time to time to appoint in each and every district three Commissioners of Customs, any two of whom shall be a quorum to hear and determine in a summary way all informations exhibited before them for the condemnation of any goods, wares or merchandise seized or forfeited under the provisions of the said Act, when the value thereof together with the vessel, boat, raft or carriage in or upon which the same shall be found shall not exceed forty pounds, and also to determine the penalties to be recovered under the said Act.
Now, know ye, that being assured of your loyalty, integrity and ability, we have assigned, constituted and appointed and by these presents under the authority of the above recited Act, do assign, constitute and appoint you the said Daniel McDougall, Robert Melville and David Thorburn to be Commissioners of Customs in and for the District of Niagara with full power and authority to you or any two of you to do and receive all such things as are by the said Act provided and enjoined to be done and received. To have and to hold the said office together with all and singular the rights, privileges, fees and advantages thereunto belonging and appertaining. Hereby enjoining you or any two of you that at certain days and places you do meet to hear and determine all singular such matters as shall be lawfully brought before you. And we do hereby command all Sheriffs, Bailiffs, Constables and other officers within our said District of Niagara, to obey and execute all such orders and precepts as shall be sent to them or any of them by you or any two of you in the execution of the powers vested in you by the said Act."
Letter from A. McLean to Sir Allan McNab as a participant in the battle of Queenston Heights,
Toronto, July 22nd, 1860
I received your note last night too late to be answered and now in answering it, I am sorry that I can not give you any information on the point to which it relates. I saw General Brock on his way from Niagara to Queenston a little after daylight. I was in charge of a battery east of what was called Vrooman's Battery, having taken charge on the alarm being given as the officer on duty at Brown's Point and when the General came within hail he called out to me, "Why doubt you fire that Gun?" I explained immediately that I had fired it repeatedly, but that the balls always fell short and that I had discontinued in consequence. He said "It can't be helped," and put spurs to his horse and galloped away for Queenston Soon after his A. D. C's McDonell and Gregg came up as fast as their horses could carry them, and soon after them my companions of York Militia came trotting up from Brown's Point. I asked if I should join my company and was mortified in receiving a reply "no—stay where you are." After the companies had left, the batteries at Brown's Point had opened fire at some Dragoons who were seen on the opposite side of the river and our friend (J. B. R.) now Chief Justice was sent to order the batteries to cease firing as it might induce a belief at Queenston that a landing of the enemy was to be attempted at Brown's Point. When he came running up to overtake his company, I forgot the order to "stay where I was" and throwing off the wrapper which I found useful on duty during the night we made what speed we could to overtake our companies and joined them just as they were turning into the grounds about the house in which Mr. Hamilton had resided. We were soon under fire on the bank of the river and did our best to prevent any further landing on our shore, but were not long engaged there when we were ordered up the hill with the view of trying to recover possession of the heights. The order was immediately obeyed and in marching through the main street of Queenston, Gray's Battery which really had at very formidable appearance on the edge of the Height on the American side gave us an occasional salute without doing us any mischief. In going up the road towards St. Davids for some distance to gain a place of easier ascent. two field pieces on the American side had a glorious opportunity of raking us and they tried it—but fortunately without effect—not a man was touched. We ascended the Heights and on the top found a part of the Light Company of the 49th with Captain Williams. On the way up the hill I heard it mentioned that General Brock was killed and fearing that the men might be discouraged by the sad intelligence, I told them not to believe it—the fact, however. was soon put beyond doubt by at soldier of the 41st, at servant of Lt. Crowther who was stationed in some capacity in Queenston who said, "Indeed, Sir, he is dead, for I helped to carry his body into a house myself." We formed on the top of the hill with the 49th on our right and advanced and engaged the enemy. Some one said to Lt. Col McDonell that General Brook was killed, and I heard his reply "yes, and we must revenge his death." A short contest however in which poor McDonell received his death wound and Capt. Williams and myself and a good many men were severely though not dangerously wounded, proved that the enemy had at least four times our number of men, and our small force was obliged to retire. Gen. Sheaffe and the 41st came up from Niagara and ascended the hill near St. Davids and being joined by a company of the 41st and some Militia from Chippawa they then advanced upon the enemy. The firing was very brief, the enemy between 8 and 900 strong fled down the hill and General Scott now Commander in Chief of the U. S. Army, then Lt. Col. Scott advanced with a flag of truce and announ ed their surrender. Some Indians who had pressed forward had put him in bodily fear and he begged for God's Sake that Robinson and our old friend S. P. Jarvis who were near would save him from the savages—which they had no great difficulty in do ng. In the evening after the prisoners had been marched off to Niagara a waggon happened to be passing the house where I was after having my wound dressed and I asked for a passage to my quarters at Brown's Point which was readily given. It was in charge of a fine loyal old follow Isaac Swayzie and contained the body of him whom I had seen in the morning in full health and strength hastening to the scene of Action to meet the Enemies of his country. I was not with him when he fell and I am not aware that the place was ever pointed out to me, nor can I at this distance of time name or point out any individual who is likely to know the precise spot. There is no doubt that at the time he was at the head of a party of his old Regiment the 49th advancing with a view of retaking the Battery of which the Enemy had got possession by surprise at the commencement of the attack. The position of the battery must I think be well known and he was not at any very great distance from it—advancing from Queenston when he was shot down.
I have you see given instead of a dry negative answer to your inquiry, a slight sketch of my experience on the memorable day at Queenston Heights. I fear it will be impossible to find the spot on which General Brook fell and that we must be content with coming all near as possible.
I think there were no Militia with him at the time and if there were, many of them must now be dead and there is not much chance of finding any who would recollect the particular place. I hope you will not think me tedious—In haste yours very truly
A. McLean
Dundurn, 30th July, 1860
My dear MacDougal
As we are preparing the obelisk to mark the spot where Brock fell we find the greatest difficulty in ascertaining the exact spot. I hope that you will assist us in getting such information as will direct us to the right spot, Hoping that you may be in good order for the presentation of the address of the old fellows of last war believe me ever yours most truly
Allan MacNab
In a letter to Sir Allan dated 1st August Mr. W. Thomas the architect tells that he had gone to see Mr. Merritt in St. Catharines but had obtained no information from him. Mr. Street had also been written to but would not take the responsibility of marking the spot Mr, Wadsworth of Queenston asserted that a stake had been in for years showing the spot which he could identify pretty nearly. He also asks if old Major Brown of Queenston who was at the battle would not know anything about it. In another letter dated Toronto 4th Aug to Sir Allan he says "I have been talking to Mr. Macdonell here, a cousin of the A. D. C. Macdonell who fell at Queenston and he referred me to a Mr. Wright who was at the battle and near the General when he fell, he says he can point out the spot, that it is close to the River Road, one block west of the Front Road facing the river or Wynn's Tavern. The first thing to do is to find the corner of Mr. Hamilton's property, south side of the road, the last letter is given in full.
Toronto, Aug. 9th, 1860
Dear Sir;—I was over at Queenston yesterday with Mr. Worthington and ascertained the spot according to the best testimony we could obtain from Mr. Wynn, Mr. Brown an) Mr. Wadsworth. I have made a sketch to show how they compare with the statements of Mr Wright who places it in the spot marked X, Mr. Wynn places it at C. Mr Brown at B and Mr. Wadsworth at A. Now these three opinions would place it in a very bad situation and in private property which is in Chancery, I feel inclined to agree with Mr. Wright and place it at X."
Letter of Col. Macdonell who commanded at Ogdensburg, written to Col. McDougal on his retirement.
Toronto, 15th Aug., 1856
In accepting your resignation of the command of the 1st Lincoln Militia, it was due to you that I should mention to the Adjutant General your services during the late war with the U. S. and the late Rebellion, Ogdensbough with the Glengarry Militia where we both escaped broken heads—the Incorporated Militia and Lundy's Lane where you did not escape so well—and he thanked me for the information. The general order is, what your services and loyalty merit. Wishing you many years to enjoy your retirement (although in the event of an emergency you and I might not be idle spectators still) and with kind regards to Mrs. McDougall and the family, I remain my dear Colonel yours most faithfully.
D. MacDonell
Several letters to Sir. Allan MacNab and from him and others to Col. MacDougal refer to the proper position for the stone to mark where Brock fell and several rough sketches were made.
Toronto, 16th Aug., 1860
I regret that engagements here will prevent my being with you at Queenston tomorrow morning. I saw Mr. Thomas a few days since and had some conversation with him about the sketch I had sent to Sir Allan. From what he had gathered from other sources the spot (or nearly) where Gen. Brock fell tallied so closely that I think you will have little difficulty in fixing the place for the stone to be erected. Mr. Thomas, I suppose, will be with you tomorrow and will give you the further account he had from Mr. Wright who was near the Hero when he was struck. I shall hear from Quebec soon where the address is to be presented and as this is known I will communicate with him for such arrangements as it may be necessary to make. We are having a very handsome box with inscription to put the address in, something creditable. I Yours very truly
R. Stanton
Toronto 28th July, 1860
I have heard that you have been making inquiry about the spot where Brock fell. The enclosed I have given with hope that it may aid in fixing the place. The sketch I have hastily made from memory and I believe you will find almost every one naming near the thorn bush as the spot. The stone tavern was near at hand and I saw the body there myself The sketch is rough, as it is does not pretend to give distances or exact relative position of different points. If it helps you however in anyway I shall be glad.
R. Stanton
Dundurn, 10th Aug, 1860
Allan MacNab
A letter dated 27th July 1860 from Geo. Playter who had charge of the grounds informs Sir Allan that Mr. Robinson has taken possession of the spring called Brock's spring to take the water to his house and asks if he has any right to do it.
On the 18th September, 1860, the steamer Peerless, commissioned by Capt. Dick, left Toronto at the early hour of five o'clock, yet with 500 passengers, a motley gathering of civil and military, volunteer rifles, a Highland company, Yorkville cavalry and many veterans of 1812, dressed many of them in the uniforms of their times. Rival papers appeared and in the language of the newspaper account of the day the air seemed alive with the shrillest and most maddening music that ever was invented. At Port Dalhousie a company of St. Catharines rifles joined them with a band, and at Niagara another addition was made and on nearing Queenston it was seen that the heights were dark with people. A procession was formed up the steep winding road. Hundreds af wagons Were to be seen under the shade of trees. At the foot of the platform were ranged the heroes of 1812, some in their old uniforms, almost all with medals on their breasts, very jealous of their position, There were present Col. Kingsmill, Col. MacDougal, J. C. Ball, Col. Kerby, two or three had taken part in the battle, from Toronto Hon. J. B. Robinson, Judge McLean, Sir Allan MacNab, Mr R. Stanton, Hon. W. H. Merritt, R. Woodruff, Col. Clark, Col. Street, Col. Denison, His Lordship the Bishop of Toronto At 11 o'clock the Prince arrived amidst loud cheering An address was read by J. B. Robinson presented by Mr. Stanton, the Secretary of the Committee. In the reply of the Prince we see the germ even then of the qualities which gave him the well deserved title in after years of the Peace Maker. "I trust Canada will never want such volunteers as those who fought in the last war, nor volunteers without such leaders. But no less the more fervently I pray that your sons and your grandsons may never be called upon to add other laurels to those you have so gallantly won."
A procession was then formed again headed by a band to reach the spot near the foot of the mountain by a circuitous route to place the foundation stone of the cenotaph to mark the spot where Gen. Brock fell, but the great majority took a short cut down the Heights to reach the spot before the procession and men, women and children crossed fences, ditches and rough ground, some old veterans hobbling along, an irresistible human stream. The ceremony was performed with the usual forms. The Prince embarked on the Zimmerman under Capt. Milloy for Niagara where addresses were presented at the wharf, fruit and Bowers were presented by a member of our society, then Miss Marjory McMullen, a tiny little girl, now Mrs. Bottomley, and in return the young Prince kissed her, the usual return for such acts of courtesy by children.
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