Montreal Herald Extra, August 2: Quebec Mercury Extra, August 4, 1814
Montreal Herald Extra, August 2.
We are authorized to announce to the public that accounts have reached Head Quarters of another action having taken place on the Niagara Frontier, most glorious to His Majesty's army, and terminating in the complete defeat of the enemy.
Lieut. Colonel Tucker, with part of the garrison of Fort George and 400 of the 89th Regt. under Lt. Col. Morrison, moved on the enemy's Camp, at Lewiston, on the morning of the 25th ult. drove them from it, and brought away 100 Tents, their baggage and provisions, without losing a man.—Major-General Brown began on the same day to retire with his army from Queenston, towards Chippawa, and finding himself closely pressed by the advance of the right division, under Major Gen. Riall, consisting of about 1500 men exclusive of Indians, attacked at six o'clock in the evening with his whole Force, this small body of our Troops, which maintained the unequal contest, with the most determined and desperate bravery, until 9, at this time Gen. Riall being reinforced by the 103d, and a detachment from the Royals and King's, not exceeding 1200 men, the conflict was continued with unabated spirit on both sides, until past midnight, when the enemy was compelled to retreat precipitately, leaving vast numbers of their dead upon the field, and several prisoners, together with a six pounder, a 5½ inch mortar, and two tumbrils in our possession.
Their loss in this obstinate and sanguinary contest is estimated at between twelve and fifteen hundred men, whilst our own does not amount to half that number.
Lieutenant-General Drummond is slightly wounded in the neck; Major General Riall being severely wounded, in the arm, was proceeding, attended by Captain Loring, to the rear, when both unfortunately fell into the enemy's hands.
Lieut. Colonel Morrison is slightly wounded.
The conduct of the troops, both regulars and militia, is spoken of in the highest terms of admiration, for their coolness and intrepidity in the most trying situations.
The enemy on the 27th had retired across the Chippewa towards Fort Erie, pursued by the Militia and Indians, having previously burnt Street's Mills, and destroyed the bridge over that river.
Reinforcements were rapidly advancing on the Right Division: and the left wing of De Watteville's Regiment would join it about the 28th.
Extract of a letter from a gentleman of respectability, dated Kingston, July 30, 1814:
"Intelligence has just arrived of another action on the Niagara Frontier..... Gen. Drummond, immediately on the arrival of the 89th ,attacked the Americans in two Divisions, at Lundy's Lane, about 3 miles below Chippaway....the attack from the Fort George side completely succeeded; and capturing every article of camp equipage that that part of the American army possessed. The attack from the Chippawa side was only partially successful, as the enemy succeeded in cutting their way through. They captured 3 of our field-pieces, which were however retaken, and two of theirs. They retreated to Fort Erie; and as every one of their boats are taken, unless their Erie fleet should come to assist them, they cannot escape. Gen. Drummond sent the four vessels immediately to York for reinforcements; where, fortunately, 600 of De Wattevilles had just arrived and were instantly embarked... On their joining, it is intended to attack the enemy again.
Our loss was very severe, but I hope much exaggerated. Gen. Drummond slightly wounded in the neck; Gen. Rial lost an arm and prisoner; colonels Morrison and Robertson wounded; and I was told Lieut. Moorsom 104th killed; the 89th dreadfully cut up; the Light Company 41st annihilated."
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