Brock Centenary: Appendix 3
Appendix III.
Indian Contributions to the Reconstruction of Brock's Monument
(Communicated by the Editor.)
The indignation aroused by the destruction of the first monument erected to General Brock was fully shared by the Indians of Ontario. Meetings of the Bands were held at which expression was given to the feelings which stirred their hearts. They asked the Government to allow them to join with the White Men in contributing to the Fund for the reconstruction of the monument, and this having been most cordially granted, a sum amounting to £207 10s. was raised among the Indians in sums varying from £7 10s. to £15 and paid over to the general fund on behalf of the following Bands:—
The Chippewas of the Upper Reserve, on the River St. Clair.
The Chippewas of the Lower Reserve and Walpole Island, on the River St. Clair.
The Hurons and Wyandotts of Amherstburg.
The Chippewas of the River Thames.
The Munsees of the River Thames.
The Oneidas of the River Thames.
The Six Nation Indians of the Grand River.
The Missisagua of the River Credit.
The Chippewas of the Saugeen River, Lake Huron.
The Chippewas of the Township of Rama, Lake Couchiching.
The Chippewas of Snake Island, Lake Simcoe.
The Missisagua of Alnwick, Rice Lake.
The Missisagua of Rice Lake Village, Otonabee; and of Mud and Balsam Lakes.
The Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte.

The following petition from the Missisagua of Rice Lake, shows the spirit in which the Indians acted:
"To Samuel P. Jarvis, Esquire, Chief Superintendent of Indian Affairs.
"We have heard of the wicked attempt to destroy the Monument of our old Chief, Sir Isaac Brock; and are also informed of the intention of the White Man to rebuild it.
"We respect the memory of the brave, and are sorry to find that there are any who do not.
"Some of us fought on the same field on which the gallant general fell. We then felt the same sorrow in our hearts that our loyal brothers in arms, the White Men, felt, and we still unite with them in the deepest regret at our common loss. These feelings urge us readily to contribute our share to the expense of re-building that Monument which was designed to perpetuate the fame of such noble deeds.
"We, who are thus ready to assist in the present exigency, will never be backward in testifying our loyal principles by still more substantial proofs, whenever our Great Mother, the Queen, shall lay her commands upon us. We will never refuse to hear her words. Our Great Fathers, her Royal predecessors, have been very kind to her people. We are not unthankful. We do not wish to be idle; but whenever we may be called upon to defend the honour and rights of the British Crown, we will most heartily strain every nerve, and do all the service in our power.
"We authorize you to subscribe from our monies the sum of Fifteen Pounds, in aid of the praiseworthy work about to be performed; and may the blessing of the Great Spirit make it prosper.
"Dated at Rice Lake Mission, Otonabee, January 7, 1841.
"George Paudash, Principal Chief
"John Crow, Chief.
"John Copoway, Chief.
"John Taunchey, Chief.
"Read over to the Chiefs and signed by them in presence of—
Henry Baldwin, Jun."
The generous action of the Indians was much
appreciated by the British Government and the following acknowledgment was made by Lord John
Russell, on its behalf:—
"Downing Street,
"6th May, 1841.
"My Lord:
"I received by the last mail from Canada a
pamphlet, containing the correspondence, addresses,
etc., connected with the subscription of various
Indian Tribes in Upper Canada, in aid of the funds
for the reconstruction of Sir Isaac Brock's Monument on Queenston Heights.
"The feelings evinced by the Indians on this
occasion are much to their credit. I have to request
that your Lordship will convey to them the thanks
of the British Government and nation for their
zealous co-operation, and renew to them the assurances of the Queen's regard for their welfare.
"I have, etc.,
"(Signed) J. Russell.
"The Right Honourable Lord Sydenham."
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